kimono: dress, cardi & a robe.........

that piece that you gravitate towards when you have no idea what to wear and, perhaps it's the morning after a very large dinner party and the thought of anything snug sends you digging in the closet for something you were going to give away because it's simply too big, this has NEVER happened to me... hahaha
instead of reaching into that pile and all the thoughts that come with it i say try the kimono cardi.
here's the amazing thing about this cardigan: it's a dress, a cardi & a luxe robe. it looks great backwards as i'm wearing above. i love wearing the extra long sash as a skinny scarf. it's roomy, relaxed and has a lot of style. nothing snug about this no matter what you ate the night before :)
and, heels make most everything just a bit better. these are some dries heels from a few seasons ago where i'm sure i lost my mind and bought several from the collection. it was love and still is.
all i did here to wear as a dress was to reverse it and place a pin right at the bra line and added a belt to keep it closed. love.  
here the same kimono is worn as a cardi with the sash as a tie instead of a scarf.
layered over an old equipment silk shirt and faux leather leggings. i was kinda over the equipment shirt but i brought a few back out and am enjoying them again.
loving the kimono as an open robe. so fun and easy to wear.

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