yes, it's 1997 again......and we're back in black

yohji? comme? margiela? demeulemeester?
yes, these were the fashion gods i worshipped.
yes, worshipped! and, fyi, still do. i worked so hard and sold sold sold at the san francisco chanel boutique to feed my fashion frenzy.
this look is truly me in art school 1993-1997....just not blonde 
what makes me so happy doing this post is that i still love this look as much as i did 20 years ago. AND, trust me that is not the case with 1987.
i miss this era of design. there was a ton of freedom and interest in creating something new, unusual and truth be told maybe just wrong in a right kind of way.
i don't remember it being about jeans and t-shirts. it was about fashion. don't get me wrong...we were wearing jeans and tees but they were our boyfriends levis and white tees. or a concert tee that we had just been too. our money was spent on 'real fashion'.  it was perfect in that way that when you're in your 20's everything you do is perfectly imperfect.
it was black...but never basic and in all shades. so in a throw back to great times and looking to the future (we've survived the first trump year....though i wonder if we really did) and bringing back to my wardrobe the pieces that i never fell out of love with. 
here the ripley pant and ruffle top from the odells
souchi black cashmere head scarf worn backwards with antler button in the front
rachel comey lhosa earrings
layered silver rings and layers of leather & cashmere
sash tie that wraps and wraps around the waist of these a lil peek at your mid
upgrading the cotton backpack to a hand made leather one with cobalt stitching. a must for a girl on the go.
cropped wide leg pants, leather backpack, fringe edge cashmere sweater that is a two piece to the awesome leather jacket above.
so, look back and the things you love most from your past.....bring em back
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